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Policy on IMS


"Global Management" LLC, which operates in the Republic of Azerbaijan and stands out for its quality and innovation, provides consulting services in the field of management. Using the latest methods, we provide quality services to our customers, staff safety during the implementation of services, and safe activities for the environment. The strict goals that we have set before us ensure that we meet the consumer's demand for service with quality and safe operation. We want to proudly note that environmental protection and labor safety occupy an important place in our field of activity.

Providing service in accordance with the demands, needs and expectations of consumers, ensuring a high professional level and sustainable development is the main activity direction of "Global Management" LLC and is a component of the overall development strategy.

"Global Management" LLC is guided by the following basic principles in the field of quality, health, labor safety and environmental protection:

• Ensuring compliance with the requirements of international standards;
• Using modern methods, providing high-quality, safe and timely service according to the requirements and gaining customer satisfaction;
• Improvement of service management, planning and monitoring methods, improvement of infrastructure;
• Ensuring flexible adaptation to market changes and increasing competitiveness;
• Ensuring staff competence, safety and participation in decision-making;
• Formation of long-term and efficient relations with suppliers;
• Compliance with the requirements of local legislation within the framework of the activity;
• Management of labor safety and environmental impact factors;
• Prevention of pollution in accordance with the obligation to protect the environment;
• Prevention of work-related injuries and diseases in order to ensure health and safety in working conditions;
• Elimination of health and occupational safety hazards and risk reduction;
• Improving customer satisfaction and safety management.

The management of "Global Management" LLC undertakes the responsibility of timely provision of necessary resources and information of each employee for the purpose of implementation of Quality, health, labor safety and environmental protection policy.

Date of last update: 07.01.2024